
August 1, 2013

Be Aware of Your Posts: Social Media Plays a Big Role in Legal Cases

We all know that social media is an integral part of our culture. Whether you use Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram or Vine, you should be aware of what you are posting and how it could ultimately become part of legal proceedings. Did you know? Anything that you post online may […]
July 10, 2013

You got bit by a dog! What you need to know.

According to the CDC, 4.5 million Americans are bitten by dogs each years, and one in five dog bites result in injuries that require medical attention. This large number has been growing over the years, and it has resulted in many victims deciding to take legal action. Have you been […]
July 3, 2013

Unnecessary Surgeries Making Headlines for Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

Recently there have been a lot of headlines about patients receiving unnecessary surgeries. One example is the story of professional baseball player, Johnathan Stelly, who was told he needed a pacemaker. He stopped playing ball, but later found out that he didn’t actually need the surgery. The truth of the […]
June 12, 2013

Many Cases Back in Court after Drug Dog Ruling in Cass County

In Fargo, there are many residents who live in apartment buildings throughout the community. Recently, there was a case in in which a man residing in an apartment had his rights violated, which resulted in a Fargo Judge throwing out the evidence finding it was illegally obtained. Furthermore, the judge […]
June 10, 2013

What Does the New Drunk Driving Bill Mean For You?

On April 29th, Gov. Jack Dalrymple signed a new bill to make North Dakota’s drunk driving laws stronger. North Dakota House Bill 1302 will go into effect on August 1st of this year.  What are the major differences that this law makes? Your First DUI Offense: (look back period is […]
June 6, 2013

Summertime Safety – What to Do if you’re in a Motorcycle Accident

“Riding a motorcycle on today’s highways, you have to ride in a very defensive manner. You have to be a good rider and you have to have both hands and both feet on the controls at all times.” – Evil Knievel. Even the world’s most noted motorcycle daredevil cautions motorcyclists […]
May 9, 2013

You’ve Been in a Boating Accident, Now What?

Fishing, boating, water skiing  tubing – all of these fun summer activities are just around the corner. However, boating can be dangerous if you aren’t careful. There are 12.7 million boats registered in the United States, and approximately 7,700 boating accidents are reported each year. The best way to keep your […]
April 19, 2013

How to Know When You Need a Tax Attorney

Tax day has now passed, and hopefully all of your taxes have been properly filed.  While the majority of tax payers rely on the help of  a CPA, there are situations in which working with a lawyer would be highly beneficial.  Below are circumstances in which speaking with your lawyer […]
April 5, 2013

The Importance of Estate Planning

Estate planning can be defined as, “the process of anticipating and arranging for the disposal of an estate.” Don’t be fooled by the name. Estate plans aren’t just for people who have a lot of money, property, investments or other valuable assets. They are for people of all ages and […]
March 28, 2013

What Should I Do if I am in a Car Accident?

After getting into a car accident, you will likely be scared, shaken up and confused. What you do after a car accident is absolutely critical; however, many people do not know the correct steps they should be taking. Follow these steps to make the unpleasant experience go as smoothly as […]
March 25, 2013

Looking for Help with Your Real Estate Transaction? Trust a Veteran

Bob Stroup II is known for being one of the best real estate attorneys in the Midwest. His passion for real estate law has earned him multiple awards as well as a stellar reputation amongst his peers. Of course, there are other real estate attorneys who are good, but Stroup […]
February 28, 2013

Hip Replacement Recalls Give Claims for Lawsuits

Have you or someone you know experienced a hip replacement in the last few years? According to the CDC, there have been 327,000 hip replacement surgeries in the United States. You should be aware that the Stryker Rejuvenate and ABG II Hip Implants have been linked to an increased risk of […]