Michael Lacher

November 1, 2023

Is the Odor of Marijuana Insufficient for Probable Cause in Vehicle Searches

By Theodore W. Ramage O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson In this blog post, I briefly discuss the landmark Minnesota Supreme Court case, State v. Torgerson, which has redefined the parameters for what constitutes probable cause in warrantless vehicle searches involving the odor of marijuana. Minnesota Supreme Court Landmark Ruling: Odor of Marijuana […]
August 13, 2018

All About Buy-Sell Agreements for Businesses

When the ownership of a business changes hands, it can be a dream come true for both the buyer and the seller. Founding and cultivating a business to the point where someone wants to buy it is a mark of successful entrepreneurship. After the sale, the sellers can establish a […]
August 7, 2018

Contract Tips to Avoid Litigation

Contracts protect you in the event of a lawsuit, since they are the best evidence of the terms to which two parties agreed before getting into a dispute. A lesser-known but equally important advantage of contracts is that they can stop lawsuits from happening in the first place. It is […]