
March 26, 2015

Things to Consider When Drafting a Business Contract

A business contract is a legal agreement between two or more parties that specifies a shared objective. When conducted in the appropriate manner, business contracts are a great way for two companies to work together and gain benefits through the purchase or sale of products and services. Although various types […]
March 24, 2015

The Collaborative Law Divorce Process Explained

Collaborative Law is an alternative to the traditional divorce process. Collaborate Law brings together both parties seeking to separate or end their marriage and uses a problem-solving approach to best meet the needs of both parties, their children and family members. Here are a few things that set Collaborative Law […]
February 27, 2015

DUI Charges and the Look Back Period in North Dakota

When it comes to getting a DUI, there are more penalties with the more convictions you receive. DUI laws differ from state to state and depending on the level of offense, the severity of the penalties can range from a one-time $500 fine to mandatory prison time. License Suspension/Revocation The […]
February 12, 2015

Domestic Violence Charges Can Impact More Than Your Record

Domestic violence is a serious issue which is widely known to cause physical injuries, broken families, and damaged relationships. As the years have progressed, society’s views on the crime have begun to change and many laws and charges are now reflecting the shift. Here are some of the impacts of […]
January 27, 2015

Top 5 Things to Consider When Starting a Business with a Partner

Starting a business with a partner can provide many opportunities for entrepreneurs that they may not have by going solo. They provide a second set of ideas, eyes and resources to help create a successful and thriving business. To make sure this businesses partnership is as successful as possible, here […]
January 13, 2015

ND Legislature to Discuss Banning Sobriety Checkpoints

If you haven’t already heard, a bill in the North Dakota Legislature, if passed as introduced,  would prohibit the use of sobriety checkpoints. This is a Republican-sponsored measure that would not allow law enforcement to perform a traffic stop without “reasonable suspicion” of a violation. While some say the sobriety […]
January 6, 2015

I was in a Motor Vehicle Accident. Do I Have a Lawsuit?

Getting into a car accident can alter everything from your mood to your lifestyle. It can leave you with hefty debt, unanswered questions, and even injuries that can change the way you live. If something like this happens to you or someone you love, do you have a way to […]
December 26, 2014

I Was Injured in a Car Accident that Wasn’t My Fault. What Now?

Car accidents can be very scary situations. However, dealing with the aftermath of a car accident that was not your fault can make the situation even worse. Filing a personal injury claim is difficult and confusing, but the right attorney can make things a whole lot easier. If you were […]
December 23, 2014

The Supreme Court, Social Media and Free Speech. What You Should Know.

Social media has become one of the largest influences in modern daily life. It is an excellent way to express yourself, to share thoughts and photos with family and friends, and to connect with other people. However, with this great tool comes a responsibility to use it wisely. With a […]
December 16, 2014

Are parents liable for what kids put on Facebook? They may be.

Social media sites are on the rise in popularity, especially with early teens and young adults. With billions of updates being posted every day, it can be difficult to manage what you or your child puts out into cyberspace. But did you know you can be held responsible for what […]
November 27, 2014

I Slipped and Fell, and was Injured – Now What?

Slip and fall or property liability cases arise when a person falls or is otherwise injured on someone else’s property.  If you fell and were injured, you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain, suffering, and discomfort. Property and business owners owe a general duty […]
November 25, 2014

What You Need to Know About Forced Arbitration

If your bank, cell phone provider, employer or other company that you conduct business with violated your rights or cheated you, would you want to retain your ability to take them to court? Many companies are now using fine print to stop you and other consumers from doing so through […]
November 20, 2014

North Dakota Supreme Court Finds New DUI Law Constitutional

North Dakota Supreme Court has found that a recent North Dakota law stating that refusing to take a chemical breath test after being pulled over by police on suspicion of driving under the influence can land you in jail.  “Under the new law, a refusal carries the same legal weight […]
November 18, 2014

Wrongful Death – Might I have a Case? Questions to Ask an Attorney

Wrongful death cases arise when the death of a loved one is due to the negligent, reckless, or intentional actions of someone else. The purpose of wrongful death cases are to determine the amount of damages the surviving family members should collect because of the death of their loved one. […]
November 13, 2014

North Dakota Debates Chemical Tests for DUI

In the last month, the North Dakota Supreme Court heard arguments related to the North Dakota Legislature’s 2013 decision to criminalize the refusal to take a chemical sobriety test in suspicion of drunk driving cases. Currently in North Dakota, the refusal to take a sobriety test is grounds for a […]
November 6, 2014

I Have an Elderly Parent – What to Know About Power of Attorney

When it comes to legal matters, things can oftentimes get a little bit complicated. Especially if you are not an expert. A Power of Attorney can give you authority and access to review information and make decisions at important times on behalf of your loved ones. If you have an […]
November 4, 2014

The Probate Process Explained

After a loved one passes, the process of probate will begin. This is the legal process where the will of the deceased is administered. Both North Dakota and Minnesota have adopted the Uniform Probate Code (UPC). This process was created to make the probate process simpler and to give executors […]
October 28, 2014

Why You Need to Hire an Attorney if You Buy Lake Property

Owning a home is the typical American dream. Owning a lake home is the dream of many in the northern Midwest. Serving as a getaway for many families, lake properties are a great investment for financial and personal purposes. In order to ensure the process of buying lake property goes […]
October 23, 2014

When Should I Set Up a Will?

Setting up a will is an important step one must take when he or she is ready. Since we all go through life at a different pace, there is no set age at which one should create a will. However, there are certain life events that may trigger the need […]
October 21, 2014

What Living in Boom Town Means for Residents

The name speaks for itself. Boomtown is a phrase used to refer to a city or community that experiences sudden and rapid changes in population, infrastructure and economic growth. Living in a boom town can be both a thrilling and nerve-wracking experience with new opportunities and challenges opening up to […]
October 16, 2014

Drivers Should Be Extra Cautious on the Road during Harvest

Harvest time can be a very busy and stressful time for many farmers while also a very dangerous time for those on the roads. It’s important to watch for farm machinery, trucks and semis and make safety a top priority during harvest time.  Farmers Fatigued High operating costs, equipment breakdowns […]