March 14, 2019
March 6, 2019
While the Constitution of North Dakota considers bearing arms to be an inalienable right, the law does not allow everyone to possess firearms or to use firearms in any manner they wish. In fact, the Constitution specifies you have a right to have firearms for “lawful purposes,” and other state […]
March 4, 2019
When potential clients come to us for help after sustaining a traumatic brain injury (TBI), they understandably often have many questions. Here are some answers to some of the questions we hear most frequently from TBI victims. For more information, call our office today to schedule a free consultation to […]
February 28, 2019
All individuals and businesses enter into various contracts on a regular basis. It is often only a matter of time before another party fails to uphold their end of the agreement or accuses you of failing to perform your part. When a contract dispute arises, you may think that heading […]
February 26, 2019
Have you ever had someone take something from you without your permission and that person either never returned it or when it was returned it was damaged or worse for wear? Maybe an acquaintance took money from your secret stash and you can prove it. Or maybe a buddy “borrowed” […]
February 20, 2019
Getting arrested for driving under the influence(DUI) is always a stressful experience. If you then face criminal charges, you may be concerned about the court-imposed penalties if you’re convicted, which can be serious. However, many people fail to realize that a DUI conviction can have long-lasting consequences that persist well […]
February 18, 2019
In general, a buy-sell agreement is a contract between the owners of a company and the company which both restricts the transfer of ownership and facilitates the sale of an ownership interest. A buy-sell agreement provides a mechanism for an owner to sell his or her ownership interest in a […]
February 14, 2019
Traditionally, you may think of domestic violence occurring only through physical assault between couples. However, the law provides for a much broader definition of domestic violence. First, the statutory definition of domestic violence in North Dakota includes: physical harm, bodily injury, sexual activity compelled by physical force, assault, or the […]
February 12, 2019
Bail is defined as “the temporary release of an accused person awaiting trial, sometimes on condition that a sum of money be lodged to guarantee their appearance in court.” If you have been arrested and held in custody, a judge may allow for your release, contingent upon certain conditions like […]
February 8, 2019
These days, it seems like you can find online instructions for doing nearly anything. While there’s certainly information out there related to creating your own will, trying to use pre-fabricated forms is a recipe for disaster. Your will is an important document that is critical to your family’s financial future, […]
February 6, 2019
On August 1, 2018, Minnesota had a new law in effect which creates stricter consequences for individuals who have driven while intoxicated, regardless of what type of vehicle they were driving. In addition to the criminal penalties associated with a DWI, there are also administrative sanctions resulting in driver’s license […]
January 29, 2019
Driving is an immense responsibility that each of us accepts every time we get behind the wheel. When you’re motoring down the road, your attention should be focused solely on driving safely. Put simply, distracted driving is dangerous driving. While the advent of smartphones and our devotion to them is […]
January 23, 2019
January 21, 2019
If you must undergo surgery, and you trust your hospital, doctor, and surgeon to provide you with the high-quality medical services that you need. If instead of moving forward toward improved health after surgery, you come away with injuries caused by a surgical error, it can be devastating. Medical facilities […]
December 28, 2018
Hardly a day passes without the evening news or the local paper mentioning drugs and drug charges. While the frequency of these charges has increased recently, the consequences have remained rigid. North Dakota State Law According to North Dakota state law, it is a class C felony to possess the […]
December 18, 2018
Various issues can always arise when starting a business, especially when ownership and responsibilities are not clearly laid out from the start. When starting a business, it is crucial to discuss ownership, compensation, and responsibilities. This can be challenging when a business is first forming and those roles are evolving […]
December 12, 2018
An asset is defined as, “property owned by a person or company, regarded as having value and available to meet debts, commitments, or legacies.” As a result of legal liability, assets can be levied upon by creditors. Protecting assets is not about hiding assets, it is about utilizing options to […]
December 10, 2018
In real estate transactions, dual agency means one real estate agency or firm represents more than one party. For example, a real estate agent becomes a dual agent when he or she represents both buyer and seller. Dual agency also arises when the same real estate agency or brokerage firm […]
December 7, 2018
Before pursuing litigation, it is important to consider the value of your case. An accurate assessment of your case’s value, meaning how much you stand to gain if you are successful, is crucial to making important decisions at each step of the litigation process. How to calculate the value of […]
December 4, 2018
Generally, employers own work email accounts. Employers typically own the computer used to access the email, servers, and other data. Accordingly, emails sent and received on work email accounts are the property of the employer and can generally be monitored by the employer. Employees should not expect email messages to […]
November 26, 2018
What is solicitation? If you try to seek the services of a prostitute, you may be arrested for solicitation. Criminal solicitation may also apply to other crimes, but it is commonly referred to in relation to soliciting a prostitute. Solicitation generally refers to hiring, offering, or agreeing to hire an […]
November 23, 2018
Money cannot buy happiness, but it can make a big difference in how much medical treatment you can afford. After an accident, if you receive prompt care by a plastic surgeon, followed by months of physical therapy, you may be able to avoid a permanent disability. In some cases, getting […]
November 14, 2018
What is an open warrant? An open warrant means a judge has authorized law enforcement to arrest an individual at any time. Essentially, if you have an open warrant for your arrest, your next interaction with law enforcement may end in your arrest and detainer. For example, you never showed […]
November 12, 2018
Reliance on evidence is what separates a fair justice system from one based on arbitrariness and tyranny. In civil lawsuits, the judge must decide whether the available evidence supports or refutes the plaintiff’s claim. In personal injury lawsuits, medical records are an essential piece of evidence. Why are Medical Records […]
November 6, 2018
More than half of Americans cannot afford an unexpected $400 expense without resorting to borrowing money from friends or family. While appliance repairs and emergency travel are common causes of unexpected expenses, medical bills are among the most unavoidable. Beyond a certain point, you cannot put off medical care when […]