Are parents liable for what kids put on Facebook? They may be.

Social media sites are on the rise in popularity, especially with early teens and young adults. With billions of updates being posted every day, it can be difficult to manage what you or your child puts out into cyberspace. But did you know you can be held responsible for what your kids put on social media? Learn how to protect yourself and your child in the age of social media.6660077207_85e6cf9327_z

Court ruling

An October ruling by a Georgia appellate court stated parents can be held liable for what their children post on Facebook and other social media sites. When their seventh-grade student created a fake Facebook profile that allegedly defamed a female classmate, the parents were held responsible for not getting their child to remove the profile from the site. According to the ruling, once the parents become aware of the untrue and harassing nature of the online posts, liability is then triggered.

Protecting you and your child

These types of cases are popping up all over the country, and it is important to protect your child or teen from misusing social media. To do this, it is important to monitor what your child posts on the internet.

Here are a few tips to consider when letting your child online and on social media sites.

  • Search for your child– A simple search of your child’s name can pull up any accounts on various sites they may have. By searching for this, you can see what type of information they are posting and to where they are posting it.
  • Utilize programs to help monitor activity– There are many different programs that can monitor and send you reports of your child’s activity on social media from their computer or cell phone. By using these tools, you can stop any inappropriate activity in its tracks. Some popular apps include MamaBear and uknowkids.
  • Talk to your kids– Most importantly, discuss with your kids what is okay to post on social media. Teach them about cyberbullying, why it is wrong, and how it affects others. Tell them about online privacy and how they should not post anything they are not comfortable with other people seeing.

If you find yourself in the middle of a legal dispute due to something posted online about you or your child, contact the experienced lawyers at O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Foss Attorneys. Their knowledge about online laws and legal processes will help you get the justice you deserve.

Image courtesy of/ Brad Flickinger