Do I Need to Hire a Real Estate Attorney?

Real estate attorneyYou might think that transferring the ownership of property is as easy as handing over the keys or deed, but it really isn’t that simple. It doesn’t matter if you are the buyer or the seller, real estate transactions can be complicated and messy. If you want to get through your buying or selling experience as painlessly as possible, you should consider hiring a real estate attorney to give you professional guidance.

When Buyers Should Hire a Real Estate Attorney

Purchasing property is a big decision and you want to make sure that you are really getting what you are promised. You need to make sure that the property or land you are purchasing is everything you’ve been presented.  As a buyer, there are a few situations where you should seriously consider hiring a real estate attorney.

  • You are buying a property out of town, city, state, country.
  • You are buying a property at an estate sale.
  • You are buying a property that could have structural issues or damage.
  • You are buying a property in a potentially dangerous or problematic area (flood-prone, radon, etc.).
  • You are buying a bank owned property.
  • You are a first-time property buyer.

Are you considering making a purchase that falls under these situations? The legal advice and guidance of a real estate attorney can save you money and problems in the long-run. Although you may have to invest  a some money for their help, it is money well-spent!

“We consulted with Dean Rindy before selling our lake property on a contract for deed. Best money we could have spent,” said a Fargo area Family member. “ He made what seemed like a complicated deal easy. He drew up the contract and we feel protected”  .

When Sellers Should Hire a Real Estate Attorney

Selling property, like a home or commercial space,  requires a contract. As a seller, you want someone who can help you address any title issues that could arise during the selling process. There are many situations when selling property that can benefit from the assistance of a real estate attorney.  Examples include:

  • You are selling a co-owned property.
  • You think something could go wrong with the sales process.
  • You are selling a property that isn’t in tip-top shape.
  • It is your first time selling a home, commercial property or land.

You have to consider questions like, “how will I handle paying off existing loans” and “how do we transfer property as seamlessly as possible”?  Instead of dealing with it on your own, a real estate attorney can help you through the experience.

Simply put, real estate attorneys serve one main purpose – to protect buyers and sellers from experiencing a financial loss. If you are in one of the buyer or seller situations mentioned above, consider seeking help from a real estate attorney. It can make all the difference. O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Foss is home to some of the best real estate lawyers around. Learn more about Dean Rindy – our real estate expert.