Why You Need an Attorney When Setting Up a New Business

It is possible, at least in theory, to learn to do almost anything just by finding the instructions online or watching a tutorial on YouTube. Type “how to” into a Google search, and you will find instructions on everything from how to tie a tie to how to learn a foreign language to how to burp a baby. Of course, some things that appear simple actually require professional expertise to do well. A simple Internet search will lead you to the forms you need to register a new business, but starting a business without a small business attorney can be fraught with trouble. A better idea is to call on the services of experienced attorney Stephen Welle, who will use his thorough knowledge of small business law to help you avoid common problems that business owners often encounter.

Business attorneys do a lot more than just representing business owners in legal disputes. Here are some reasons why hiring a business attorney could be the best decision you make for your business.

Choosing a Business Entity Designation

LLC or S Corp? Partnership or sole proprietorship? Once you choose an entity type for your business, it is difficult and time consuming to change it. Just reading online about the different types of business structures can give you a basic idea of how they are different, but plenty of small business owners who made quick decisions about choice of business structure have been unpleasantly surprised by how much they owed on their business taxes. Business attorneys understand the implications of each business structure, as regards both taxation and legal disputes. 

Getting the Necessary Licenses and Insurance

Licenses and insurance can be expensive, but they offer you a lot of legal protection; discussing these types of things with an experienced business attorney are what separates official business from simply paying a buddy for help with a task. Insurance policies come with a lot of fine print, and an attorney can help you make sense of it. 

Business Contracts

It is easy to find samples of contracts online and use them as examples to write your own, but are you really covering all your bases? It is always a good idea to have an attorney review a contract before you sign it to make sure there aren’t any loopholes that you didn’t notice and, if necessary, to help you decide which modifications to the contract you should request before you sign. Even if you draft your own contract, it is a good idea to have an attorney review it.

Contact O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Attorneys About Legal Services for Businesses

The wording of a contract or the choice of business structure can make all the difference as to whether a business succeeds. Steve Welle can help you avoid the legal problems that can easily sink a small business. Contact O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Attorneys in Fargo, North Dakota or call 701-235-8000 or 877-235-8002 to discuss your case.