This year marks the fifth year that the O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Foss team participated in the Fargo-Moorhead St. Patrick’s Day Parade. On March 15, the attorneys, staff, their families and friends joined in the fun by decorating and entering a float in the parade and participating in the fun celebration.
Partner Tatum O’Brien Lindbo said, “This has become an office tradition. We participate every year, and the kids love it! We go through a lot of candy, throw out green beads and other green things for kids watching the parade.”
“It was cold waiting in line, though,” she continues. “But it wasn’t as bad as past years. One year we participated it was -13 degrees out!”
Although the weather was chilly, a vast majority of the team met up at the office before the parade to decorate the float as a group.
This year marked the 18th year that Fargo has hosted the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Although the weather was cold, many showed up, and the entire O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Foss team of associates and their families had a great time.
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