O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Foss Law Firm Moves to New Location

KNO New LocationThe attorneys at O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Foss are excited to announce the move to their new location at 720 Main Avenue in Fargo. The Kennelly O’Keeffe team will no longer be at their 313 NP Avenue location. This is an exciting move for the firm due to the increased size and technological improvements of the facility. The firm occupies the entire three floors of the building.

Together as a team

Formerly, the attorneys at O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Foss were split up,  with offices in two buildings on NP Ave. They’d outgrown their headquarters facility at 313 NP and leased space across the street at 310 NP.  The new location is large enough to house the entire team comfortably. This is exciting for the attorneys because they will be able to work together as a team in a more efficient way.

“There is something about the synergy of being together as a team instead of a team of individual attorneys.”

Tim O’Keeffe, partner at O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Foss

Technology upgrades

There are many improved technological features in the new facility that sets Kennelly  & O’Keeffe apart from  the average law office.


There are television screens in the conference rooms as well as throughout the entire office. These television screens will serve multiple purposes for the firm. One of the capabilities they will have is the ability to connect  iPhones, iPads, or laptops to the television monitors. This gives the attorneys the ability to share their content with other attorneys and clients in meetings.


Attorneys and staff will be able to facilitate video-conferencing with clients. Video-conferencing is an incredibly handy tool in the legal-world. Being able to talk ‘face-to-face’ with a client who would otherwise have to travel great distances is a fantastic advantage for O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Foss.


Another technological advancement that comes with the new building is the recording capability during a video-conference. The attorneys are able to record video conversations with clients. This is an excellent added feature to video-conferencing because it allows the attorneys to review the footage to get to know the mannerisms, personality, and how the witness or client presents himself before putting them on the stand in front of a jury. Recorded footage is a great addition to a client’s file.

Check out O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Foss’s Facebook page for more photos of the new facility.  We love it, and we think our clients will, too! Stop by and visit us.