July, 2018 | O'Keeffe O'Brien Lyson Attorneys

July 2018

July 27, 2018

How to Handle Probation Violations

When a court finds you guilty of criminal charges, it is often a relief to hear that your sentence includes only probation instead of jail time. People who have been sentenced to probation are often unpleasantly surprised, however, when they realize how many restrictions they must actually endure. Of course, […]
July 25, 2018

Drunk Driving and Personal Injury Cases

Many clients who visit a personal injury attorney do so after being injured in a car crash, and drunk driving is a major cause of car crashes. From the perspective of personal injury law, plaintiffs injured by drunk drivers have a strong case because drunk driving is an obvious instance […]
July 5, 2018

When to Call a Lawyer to Protect Your Rights as a Creditor or Debtor

Consumer debt is so prevalent in American society that most people just accept it as a fact of life. You make monthly payments on home mortgages, student loans, car loans, and credit card debt and look forward to the day when you can finally pay off one of the debts. […]