Seeing the rise in alcohol-related traffic arrests and accidents, the State of North Dakota enacted the 24/7 Sobriety Program – a rehabilitation program that affects individuals arrested for a second or subsequent DUI. Participation in the 24/7 program may be required as a condition of parole & probation, for any violation where drugs or alcohol may be involved, or in cases involving domestic abuse, or abuse/neglect of a child.
How does the 24/7 Sobriety Program work?
Once convicted of a second or subsequent DUI, Judges issue a bond order requiring the arrestee to refrain from alcohol use. They will also have to show up twice a day, during a specific timeframe at a specific location, for a breath alcohol test. Each participant is required to pay $1.00 per test to offset the cost of testing. If there is any alcohol detected, they are immediately taken to jail. If they fail to show for testing, their bond will be revoked.
What are the conditions of this program?
There are several conditions of this program. They include no alcohol us, no going to bars, a breath test twice daily or electronic monitoring, and random urine analysis or drug patch testing. In addition, the defendant must pay for the program. It does not replace any treatment component, and if a participant skips or fails, they go to jail. You can read the full list of the 24/7 Sobriety Program guidelines here.
Why was this program started?
This program was established to implement alternatives to jail time for individuals convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances, domestic violence, abuse or neglect of a child, or any other offenses where alcohol or controlled substances are involved. Depending on the severity of the offense, the 24/7 Sobriety Program will often be paired with other penalties. These penalties can include but are not limited to fines of $500 or more, imprisonment, addiction evaluation, probation, and suspension of a driver’s license.
What kind of benefits does this program bring?
There are many benefits of the 24/7 Sobriety Program, not only to the arrestee but to their family and the public as well. The defendant’s parents, spouses, and children are safer, the public is safer, the defendant will spend less time in jail. Treatment prospects improve, and there is almost no cost to taxpayers.
Where can I find more information about the 24/7 Sobriety Program?
The North Dakota State Website has a lot of information to help you learn more about the 24/7 Sobriety Program. If you or anyone you know has questions or concerns about a recent DUI arrest, Tatum O’Brien is a North Dakota/Minnesota criminal defense attorney who has many years of experience working with DUI law cases. Contact O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Attorneys in Fargo, North Dakota or call 701-235-8000 or 877-235-8002 to discuss your case.