Most drivers know that following a car crash, they should stop and – at the very least – exchange contact and insurance information with other drivers involved. This is because you might need to file a claim with the liable driver’s insurance to cover property damage costs or losses you incurred from serious injuries. However, what do you do if the other driver does not have the minimum insurance coverage as required by state law?
Uninsured Motorist Coverage
The losses from a collision can be extensive, and they can include property damage, medical expenses, lost wages, and more. If the driver who caused your crash does not have insurance, it is still important that you receive compensation to cover your many crash-related losses. The most common way to do so is by filing a claim with your own uninsured motorist (UM) policy.
Uninsured motorist coverage is intended for this type of situation – if you can show the liable driver did not have coverage, your UM policy should kick in and cover your expenses. Unfortunately, these claims do not always go as planned.
Filing UM Claims
You might believe that your own insurance company will be cooperative and forthcoming with the payment you need. After all, you pay your premiums and choose to give your business to the insurer. However, insurance companies are just that – companies. They try to preserve their profits however possible, which often involves limiting settlements with claimants – even for their own policyholders.
Chances are your insurance company will offer a settlement that is far lower than you expect – or deserve. Some people might think accepting the first offer is their only option, though it is generally unwise to accept an insurance offer without first discussing the matter with a car crash attorney. A lawyer can review the number of losses you incurred, provide proof to your insurer, negotiate for a higher settlement, and much more. If your insurer will not fully cover your uninsured motorist claim, an attorney can identify the next steps needed to ensure you receive full compensation under your policy.
Contact a Fargo Car Crash Attorney for Assistance Today
Uninsured motorist claims can be complicated, just like any other type of insurance claim following a crash. If you were hit by an uninsured driver, you should have the right to legal assistance to protect your rights. Please feel free to contact one of our experienced personal injury attorneys, Tim O’Keeffe, Tatum O’Brien or Sara Monson directly by email, or call the law firm of O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Attorneys at 701-235-8000 or toll-free 877-235-8002.