Watch What You Say, Law Enforcement May Be Monitoring Jail Calls and Emails

When serving jail time, it is important to stay in contact with your attorney. The conversations should be open and honest in order for your attorney to best represent you. But how can you keep the line of communication between you and your lawyer open when the lines are being monitored and might be used against you in court?2576373634_9c3baab012_z

REMEMBER You’re Being Monitored

In multiple cases, prosecutors are using recordings of phone calls and reading emails from inmates to others, even including their attorneys. While phone calls with family members and others are typically monitored and can be used against an inmate in prosecution, conversations with lawyers are generally exempt as privileged. Now, more and more prosecutors are attempting to take that information and use it to tighten their cases against the defendants.

According to a recent New York Times article, Thomas DiFiore’s emails he sent from jail to his attorney will be read and potentially used against him. With reports of seized email and phone conversations between clients and attorneys across the country, this incident is not isolated. Therefore, remember these communications are supposed to be confidential and protected, but law enforcement across the nation are now attempting to use those against inmates.

Knowing how this is all changing, how do you protect yourself while trying to fight for your justice?

  1. Watch what you say– If you are arrested and calling for help, don’t say anything that may suggest guilt, admit to anything, or give the wrong impression. Only state what has already been established and wait to talk to your attorney in a safer way.  For example, tell your attorney what the allegations against you are without referencing your actual involvement and then ask your attorney to come meet with you in person.
  2. Know what’s protected– Your protections are different when in jail. Be sure to know when your rights are being infringed on.
  3. Trust your attorney– By hiring a dependable attorney, you can be sure you are receiving help from informed and accomplished lawyers dedicated to bringing you justice. Having a lawyer you can trust will help protect you while you are in jail.

If you or your loved one is facing criminal charges, contact an experienced criminal law attorney from O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Foss Attorneys. Their expertise in the field of criminal defense will give you the best defense against injustice. Contact our team today.


Photo courtesy of Flickr/Brian Rawson-Ketchum