Was Your Slip and Fall the Result of Negligence?

slip and fall personal injury fargo nd

Slip and fall incidents are one of the most common causes of preventable injuries in the United States. While most people think that they are relatively low-risk, the reality is that slip, trips, and falls are capable of causing extremely severe injuries. These include traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, broken bones, and other injuries that are capable of causing long-term problems.

Fortunately for people who are hurt in slip and fall incidents, they can usually recover compensation for their injuries if the incident was the result of the negligence of the person responsible for the maintenance of the property. Typically, the party responsible for the maintenance of the property is either the owner or a party leasing the property.

Negligence occurs when someone fails to use the degree of care that a reasonable person would use in the same or similar circumstances. Whether a particular slip and fall hazard was the result of negligence depends on the circumstances, which is why it’s critical for anyone hurt in slip and fall to have their case reviewed by an experienced personal injury attorney.

For example, the presence of a liquid spill on the floor of a grocery store could be negligence, depending on how the spill occurred and how long it has been on the floor. If the spill was a customer’s own fault or had occurred mere moments before a fall, it’s likely that the store could avoid liability. If, on the other hand, the liquid had been on the floor for several hours and the staff had ample opportunity to clean it up, the store would likely be liable for any injuries that occurred because of the spill.

Some examples of slip and fall hazards that are often attributable to negligence include:

  • Exposed electrical wiring
  • Torn carpet
  • Inadequate lighting
  • Debris in walkways
  • Stairwells without handrails
  • Unmarked construction
  • Uneven flooring

Protecting Your Rights after a Slip and Fall

It’s critical that you take steps to protect your rights after a slip and fall. First of all, if your incident occurred in a commercial establishment, make sure that an official incident report is generated. Take pictures of the hazard that caused your fall and ask any witnesses for contact information. Make sure that you seek medical attention and undergo a thorough evaluation, as documentation will be important if you need to establish damages later. Finally, call an experienced attorney as soon as you can.

Call Us Today to Speak with a North Dakota or Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident, you may be able to recover compensation for your accident-related losses, including your medical expenses, lost income, lost quality of life, and physical and emotional pain and suffering.  To schedule a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer serving the Fargo-Moorhead area, contact one of our experienced personal injury attorneys Tim O’Keeffe, Tatum O’Brien or Sara Monson by email, or call O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Attorneys at 701-235-8000 or toll-free 877-235-8002.