Tips for Communicating with the Other Parent Following a Divorce

Communication problems are a common reason that North Dakota marriages fail, and divorce proceedings can exacerbate them. While this may be annoying when ex-spouses need to communicate about issues surrounding their divorce, when ex-spouses have children in common, communication difficulties can lead to needless legal hearings and intense arguments.

Communicating with the Other Parent Following a Divorce

Fortunately, with effort and determination by both sides, it is possible for communication between co-parents to improve following a divorce. To accomplish this, consider the following tips:office-336368_1920

  • Put your child’s wellbeing first. Parents who put their child’s wellbeing first are more likely to have good communication with one another than parents who see issues affecting their child (custody and the sharing of parental responsibilities, for instance) as opportunities to exercise power or obtain an advantage over the other parent.
  • Be respectful and look for opportunities to compromise. Except in situations where your child’s physical wellbeing is directly threatened by the other parent, courts encourage divorced parents to look for opportunities to reach compromises and agreements with one another without the intervention of the judge. Compromising also helps keep your legal expenses low, as there is rarely a need for a long, protracted hearing in order to implement a compromised agreement in your family law case.
  • Be sure to communicate in writing as much as possible. Communicating via letters, text messages, and/or e-mails is important in order to preserve the content of communications you have. This reduces the likelihood that there will be disagreements or differences of opinion as to agreements you and the other parent may have reached regarding visitation schedule changes or other issues affecting your child.

In addition to these tips, giving the other parent the benefit of the doubt and being patient can go a long way in avoiding the courtroom. Unless the other parent has clearly demonstrated an unwillingness to parent your child cooperatively, it rarely pays to assume the other parent is out to undermine your authority or rights as a parent or that the other parent is seeking to usurp your role in your child’s life.

Can a North Dakota Family Law Attorney Help with Communication?

Although conventional wisdom might suggest that the involvement of an experienced attorney acts to discourage communication between the parents, having Tracy Lyson of O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Attorneys on your side can actually help improve the communications between you and your spouse. Ms. Lyson can provide you with an objective and informed opinion as to the actions and statements of your child’s other parent, encouraging you to take action when appropriate and discouraging action when patience and forgiveness may be more appropriate. Tracy Lyson understands that your child’s wellbeing is best served when he or she has two parents dedicated to supporting and protecting him or her. Contact O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Attorneys today by calling (701) 235-8000 or (877) 235-8002.

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