Questions to Ask Your Lawyer after an Accident

Accidents can be stressful and require you to make quick decisions. It doesn’t matter if it is a car accident, a work accident or anything in between, in cases like these it’s important to ask the right questions and educate yourself on the processes you are about to go through. Here are some questions to ask your legal expert after an accident.



Asking your lawyer about their experience in accidents like yours can help you determine where their specialties lie and if further help will be needed. An experienced lawyer with a successful track record is knowledgeable in court systems and settlements and will know exactly what to do.

Do I have a case to sue?

This is an important question to ask especially when other parties are involved. In some cases, the law might be used to resolve a conflict where damages and costs need to be recovered. In order to recover damages and costs in a lawsuit, one must prove actual suffered damages as well as the other party’s breach of duty by acting without reasonable degree of care when the accident occurred.

What’s the next step?

Deciding the next step can help prevent further costs down the road. Taking action and fixing a problem right away can insure that the accident doesn’t happen again. Talking to your lawyer and listening to their advice on the next step is the best preventative measure one can take.

Line of Communication

Serious accidents often involve other parties looking for information like insurance companies and law enforcement. When talking to your lawyer, make sure to ask who you are okay to talk to and who should be forwarded to the lawyer. Having an understanding of lines of communication will help keep the case organized and reduce your chances of jeopardizing your case with inconsistent information. Odds are your lawyer will want to protect you the best way possible and deal with second parties directly.

If you have been in an accident and are seeking help, contact an experienced lawyer at O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Attorneys. Contact our team today to schedule an appointment to review your case.


Image courtesy of daveynin/flickr.