For those parents with minor children, one of the most important decisions that they must make is deciding who should be appointed guardian to take care of their children in the event that the child becomes an orphan. This process is referred to as the conservator or guardianship process. Deciding whom to appoint is often a challenge; people are often confused about whom to name as the guardian of their children.
The Location of the Potential Guardian
A large number of clients think that if they die, a guardian will relocate as necessary so that they can take care of the deceased person’s children. This assumption, however, places a great deal of stress on a guardian. As a result, it is important to consider where the guardian lives and decide whether it would be acceptable if the children lived at the guardian’s location instead of asking the guardian to give everything up to take care of their children.
The Potential Guardian’s Moral, Political, and Religious Beliefs
It is important to take a potential guardian’s moral, political, and religious beliefs into consideration. After all, a guardian will have a significant role in helping to mold and shape your child’s beliefs if you are not there to do so.
The Potential Guardian’s Parenting Skills
If the potential guardian is already a parent or has any type of relationship with children, it is important to consider their parenting skills. While some parents believe in hands-on child raising, other parents rely on outside help. There are also many other important elements that influence what a parent is like, including their view on discipline, education, and other facets of the child’s life.
The Age of the Potential Guardian
The age of a potential guardian has a substantial influence on how a child is raised. While older potential guardians might be financially situated and have more free time to engage in child raising, they might also have a hard time connecting with children. While younger guardians might be too involved in their occupational goals to raise children, they will likely be around for a very long time and can potentially connect more with your children.
The Potential Guardian’s Financial Situation
Making sure that a potential guardian has good financial management skills and a stable job can help make sure that your children will be taken care of after your demise. A guardian who lacks these skills, however, might place your children in a more uncomfortable environment. As a result, you should determine whether the potential guardian’s financial situation would create any types of limitations for your children.
Obtain the Services of a Skilled Estate Planning Attorney
These factors are just some of the most important things to consider when appointing a guardian. Many people discover that creating a “pros and cons” list is one of the most helpful ways to decide on whom should act as a child’s guardian. Contact attorney Steve Welle at O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Attorneys by calling 701-235-8000 or 877-235-8002 for assistance with selecting the best potential guardian for your children.