When an individual believes he/she has been wronged by another, he/she may decide to bring a civil lawsuit against this person. This type of lawsuit is also known as tort and litigation. Although tort action can be categorized in different ways, it usually indicates a type of delinquency has taken place.
Proving cases of tort litigation can be very difficult because of the complexity of the laws regarding these types of lawsuits. Furthermore, tort litigation claims often require a substantial burden of proof in order to achieve a successful defense. Two common types of tort action lawsuits are: intentional tort or negligence tort. Under law, a person who is intentionally harmed by another, may file a lawsuit of intentional tort. Thus, the victim of the tort may be eligible for compensation as a result financial and emotional damages. The second type of tort is known as a tort lawsuit of negligence. The careless and negligent behavior of a person that results in the jeopardy of another’s safety and well-being can be a strong premise for the filing of a tort litigation claim. When a person unintentionally causes harm and damage to another person, he/she may be held liable. At this point you should seriously consider the help of a skilled, experienced business lawyer.
Tort and litigation cases may include:
• Business Tort Litigation (breach of contract, slander and libel, professional liability, shareholder disputes)
• Mass Tort Litigation (mass scale injury of consumers as a result of defective products or drugs)
• Personal Injury (auto accidents, clinical negligence, products liability)
Legal Representation for Tort Litigation
It is imperative that you seek the legal representation of lawyer with experience in tort and commercial litigation if you believe you have been a victim of tort. A tort action lawsuit requires extensive and thorough research and experience with intricate tort laws that pertain to civil wrongs. The team who focuses on business law at O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Attorneys is experienced with common law jurisdictions and the complex body of tort laws. If you have been injured as a result of tort action, contact or call us at: (701) 235-8000.