Hundreds of products are pulled off the shelves as a result of product recalls every year. A defective product can cause serious injury that may be extremely hazardous to a consumer. Unfortunately, consumers are often injured by common household products that they use on a daily basis. The severity of injury caused by these faulty products may vary, but regardless of the extremity of the damage, a victim of injury caused by a dangerous and defective product may be entitled to compensation.
Types of Defective Product Accidents
When a defective product fails to function properly, there may be a chance that the products suffers from a design defect, manufacturing defect or marketing defect. A design defect occurs prior to the product being manufactured. This type of defect may take place during the planning or designing stage of a product.
In instances of design defects, all of the products that are manufactured will suffer from defect. Failure to use a more feasible design of a product in order to prevent a foreseeable harm may result in a hazardous product and hundreds injured consumers. On the other hand, a manufacturing defect is the result of an error or mistake that was made while the product was being put together. The design of the product may be perfectly fine, but a negligence in manufacturing may have lead to the product being unsafe. Manufacturing defects can occur with just about any type of product, including food, tools, car parts, home appliances, batteries, televisions, and so forth.
Lastly, when a product is marketed in a way that is misleading or erroneous, this is deemed as a marketing defect. A marketing defect takes place after a product has been manufactured. A potentially dangerous product that fails to include a proper warning label or sufficient caveats can lead to myriad of accidents, including: slip and fall accidents, auto accidents, wrongful death, premises liability, boating accidents, and dangerous drugs and medications.
The personal injury lawyers of O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Attorneys have successfully defended cases of products that have been defective in their design, manufacturing and marketing.
Common defective products include:
• Seat belts and Air bags
• Baby cribs and baby products
• Tires and car doors
• Windows, ladders and staircases
• Hand tools and power tools
• Home appliances
• Pharmaceutical drugs
• Birth control
• Children’s toys
• Office and home furniture
Defective Product Lawyers
If you believe you have been injured because of a defective product, you may be entitled to compensation. An experienced personal injury lawyer can assess your products liability claim and help you defend your rights as a consumer.
Contact or call the personal injury lawyers of O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Attorneys at: (701) 235-8000 to get the best legal advice for your products liability case.