My Parents Want to See My Kids, But I Don’t Want To Grant Visitation. What Are My Rights?

In a 2013 court case over family visitation in Grand Forks, the issue of grandparents’ visitation rights was brought to light. The family had been previously ordered to allow for the children to visit their grandparents. However, after newly developed conflicts came up, the parents of the children did not think the grandparents should be allowed to visit their kids anymore.


If you find yourself in a situation where you don’t want your parents to have the right to see your children, what can you do to prevent it from happening?

Circumstances which may impact your case

Grandparents may be granted reasonable visitation rights in the state of North Dakota if the court finds it would benefit and be in the best interests of the child. Some situations which may impact visitation include:

  • Parent or parents in prison
  • Parent only has part-time custody of the child
  • Child’s living situation is unstable
  • One parent is deceased

While these factors have an impact on the case, it’s important to note that the interaction between the grandparent and child cannot interfere with the relationship between the parent and child. These visitation rights are not typically granted to grandchildren who are living in an intact and stable family home.

Protect your visitation rights

If you are having issues involving grandparents’ visitation rights in your family, contact the experienced family law attorneys at O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Foss Attorneys. Their expertise in family law cases will help you and your family get the proper outcome from your case. Contact them today.

Image courtesy of surlygirl/flickr.