When you are staring down at a pile of medical bills and other expenses from car crash injuries, you are likely eager to get the payment you deserve from the insurance company of the at-fault driver. While it is natural to want a check in your hand as soon as possible, it is important not to try to rush the process. Doing so often results in far less compensation than you deserve, without the ability to seek additional payment in the future.
Each car crash claim is different, so each claim will take different time periods to settle. Often, having the right personal injury attorney handling your claim can prevent delays and resolve the matter in a shorter time frame.
Representation During the Insurance Claim Process
When your injuries are stabilized, the sooner you contact the right lawyer, the sooner the claim process can get underway. If you have a set treatment plan that lasts a few weeks, your attorney might wait until you complete all treatment before filing the claim. If your injuries are severe and your treatment will be ongoing indefinitely, they might initiate the process even if you have not received all of your bills yet.
Once your claim is filed, insurance companies can be notorious for requesting additional documentation, conducting investigations, or simply setting your file aside for too long. With the right legal assistance, you can make sure you file a complete and persuasive claim from the start, which can speed up the process. Your attorney can also identify when an insurance company is unreasonably delaying your claim, and they can take necessary action.
Settling Your Claim
The goal of an insurance claimant is to agree on a favorable settlement amount with the insurance company. This can take a several months or even years, and more complex claims generally take longer. The following might delay your settlement:
- Questions of liability for the crash
- Challenges to the severity of your injuries and needed medical treatment
- Having questionable evidence to support your claim
- Seeking higher amounts of compensation
- Having permanent injuries with long-term effects
- Not having a car crash attorney
Many insurance claims are not straightforward and simple, and it is especially important to have the help of a lawyer to avoid unnecessary delays and receive your payment faster. If you cannot reach a settlement with the insurance company, your case might need to move to civil court, which can significantly extend the time before you receive a settlement.
Contact a Fargo Car Crash Lawyer for Assistance Right Away
Our personal injury attorneys work to obtain timely settlements for our injured clients, though we never rush to resolve a case when the settlement offer is inadequate. Contact one of our experienced personal injury attorneys, Tim O’Keeffe, Tatum O’Brien, or Sara Monson by email, or call O’Keeffe O’Brien Lyson Attorneys at 701-235-8000 or toll-free 877-235-8002.